
This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Burneston, Swainby with Allerthorpe and Theakston Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 31, you are viewing 20 - 29


address Garden Cottage Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2HX
description Convert garage into a reception room. Remove garage door an install a window into the opening. As amended on 22 November 2023
area Hambleton
start date 13/10/2023
decision Granted - 14/12/2023


address Old Hall Farm Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2HX
description Discharge of conditions 2 (Materials) 3 (Hard Surface) 4 (Landscaping) 5 (Conversion works) 7 (Bat Survey) 8 (Surface Water) 9 (Phase 2 LCRM) 13 (Surface Water) 14 (Parking and turning) 15 (Parking for contractors) and 16 (Wheel Washing) from previously approved application 22/02607/FUL (Revised application for part demolition, conversion, replacement and extension of former agricultural building to form one dwelling and associated works) as amended by email received by North Yorkshire Council on 10 November 2023
area Hambleton
start date 03/10/2023
decision Granted - 16/11/2023


address Old Hall Farm Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2HX
description Application for variation of condition 17 (approved plans 2b & 5) on previously approved application 22/02607/FUL as per new drawings OS01 OS02 OS03 and OS04 received 17 August 2023
area Hambleton
start date 17/08/2023
decision Granted - 20/12/2023


address Silver Tree House Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2HT
description Works to reduce two trees in a Conservation Area
area Hambleton
start date 04/08/2023
decision Granted - 11/09/2023


address 1 Pennine View Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2JS
description Formation of square bay window to principle elevation of dwelling
area Hambleton
start date 13/07/2023
decision Granted - 04/09/2023


address Broughton House Church Wynd Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2JD
description Removal of a Leylandii tree in a conservation area
area Hambleton
start date 04/07/2023
decision Granted - 15/08/2023


address Broughton House Church Wynd Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2JD
description Works to fell a tree in a conservation area
area Hambleton
start date 14/06/2023
decision Granted - 21/07/2023


address Broughton House Church Wynd Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2JD
description Application for works to a tree in a conservation area - Fell Sycamore tree
area Hambleton
start date 13/06/2023
decision Withdrawn - 26/06/2023


address Burneston Hall Church Wynd Burneston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2JE
description Application for Listed Building Consent for repairs and restoration to Burneston Hall and surrounding out-building, to include chimney stacks, garden walls, boundary walls, brickwork and replace with new render and install a new entrance gate.
area Hambleton
start date 30/05/2023
decision Granted - 28/07/2023


address Theakston Grange Theakston Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2JF
description Construction of a replacement agricultural building to cover the existing cattle loafing/feed area.
area Hambleton
start date 05/05/2023
decision Granted - 30/06/2023